- Update my blog more often
- Sleep Through the Night
- Awakening (strong) with
day - keep smiling
- That reading is still my best
alone - Embracing hard
a noble cause - Read my dreams
- Exercising my
memory -
Going to the movies - and the theater
- Do not fight (much) with
Caracas - Venezuela Visiting
- Trust that all will like I
- and still fight for everything to give as I
- Learning a new language
- Know Buenos Aires
- Reconciling with distance
- Find the echoes of silence in the midst of endless noise
- Avoid a long pause between the last kiss
- And the next
- Painting a picture
- Living in a poem
- Take lessons
piano - Pasearme more often in the corners of my imagination
- Cultivating the difficult art of patience
- And so it is at times very few
- Feeling extremely happy
Joanna Ruiz Méndez
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