Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Install Old Software On Thomson Dti6300 Usb

Another one escapes.
All sweetness all the calories

crumbs still on the table.
I have in the mouth last
need a master in
"distinction of toads"
and take off the bad habit of rushing
always milk.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dried Cranberries And Lysine


Here I leave this poem from the book Poems next day (you have to go down the page to find it) of the poet and architect , Beatriz Blanco .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Replacement Knob For Pasta Express



removed the cap.

How Long Does Brazilian Electrolysis Take?

the eyes Verse

"If Only I Had Wings!" Images

Music Poetry and Music and Poetry by Milco Montagna

Gpsphone Fire Red Rom Cheats


Two poems Amauta Memorial (1988). Ediciones Endymion , the poet Amalia Iglesias Serna . A pleasure to walk out of his hand so strange but known locations.

Friday, January 21, 2011

British Appetizers Online


Memoirs of an observer
; ; ; circumstantial but wasp

power carries a tous bag,
gym's ass tight

in Armani trousers.
Go to your side and you can smell

pride of who won 6000 bucks a month
do not know what
(soporific by three lines),
not to know what government agency

(7 initial unpronounceable)
and is known
power sounds like air kiss,
cheeks prostitutes, cryptic

speaks little acquainted with the brilliant
prices of silence paid.
The bus drivers to power cars parked
7 kilos,
the doors of restaurants
most expensive city,
while those traveling
the back seat drink
silver cup,
good wine, of course,
and eat shrimp
that out of the plate,
paying with Visa
those of below.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Properly Remove A Penis


few weeks ago I was fortunate to attend a three course taught in silk dyeing Zaragoza Mercè of Desedamas . We learned how easy it is to dye silk, creating a beautiful holiday bag with what we had and create beautiful scarves. 3-day course was fun and productive as can see from the photos, as always Mercè as smiling and patient.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Color Tux Goes With A Lime Green Dress


between point and


Tripod Tall Landscape

When I was little I used to occur in the office of my father who, despite long hours spent browsing there rummaging drawers and books, always appeared some object I had ever seen. Years later, it just keeps happening to the beloved office but the action of finding objects of unknown origin has also infected my room.

This morning I left in haste, and went to pick up a book from the shelves quickly, without looking, wanted to take a surprise. "Greenhouse", the poet Maria Paz Moreno , appeared a few hours later in my bag, including a bottle of water, rolling and snuff gumys candy and when I took a while wallowing above verse, poem below , sampling forward, without further direction that the beating of my hand, enjoying each poem ... it dawned on me: How did this book to my shelf? Where I found it when I found? I guess today.

* VANDE GURUNAM In the picture, one of the poems in the book that exudes simple truths, deep eyes, fleeting and short delivery fully committed and genuine. A collection of poems to look at the literature, freedom, women, education, routine, in an experimental and exquisite in its purity and sincerity. It is a poetry so rich, so deep that you can touch it with your hands.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

South Park Watch With English Subtitle


This 2011 will be a special year for me, I'm going to be a grandmother! The family also increases with a new member, the pair of my daughter, Angel is welcome but do not know where it has gotten je je . The big event will place on May 21 according to the calculations but I say that 19 is my birthday. As can see by the ultrasound is very clear what it is, my husband is happy because he has two daughters and now finally have a butt to play with. I also am delighted and I hope everything goes well that after all is what matters.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chemo Numbness In Face

Nelson Hippolyte Ortega scoundrels

According DRAE, you called rogue (dra) in Venezuela the offender, especially the young. However, there is perhaps another concept that is inferred in the use of this word and that is not the official definition: the attitude. And is that criminals, to Pedro Navaja, are a risky move, nice weekend, awesome. Malandra then.
This concept is not written in any side-only in the symbolic imaginary Venezuelan ", is what best describes the tone Nelson Hippolyte interviews Ortega, published in the journal Holiday newspaper El Nacional between 1982 and 1989, are compiled in this book. Some of them were made to characters who were at the height of his success, others were falling glories bright days they remembered with pride, nostalgia and passion. Havens and personal hells of these public figures are revealed to the interviewer's questions that business becomes, more than once, a major player in the boxing journalism. Interviews
scoundrels (40 discussions irreverent) is a compilation missed not only for journalists interested in the genre, but for all who will come through the memory or knowledge to the Venezuela of the 80 that now seems so far away suspiciously. Although many people can judge any questions or views of the journalist as unethical, all interviews allow reflection and learning about the practice of journalism regardless of whether you agree with this thug style or not. Maria Conchita Alonso
interrupted the interview when asked, at the height of his career, if I wanted to be famous. Aldemaro Romero stated that it belonged to the gay power of the Venezuelan culture. Arturo Uslar Pietri said Venezuelan film that was very bad. Delia Fiallo had, with infinite tenderness, he had a pet rat. Oscar Yanes delusional made this confession: when the news that one had to cover was hanged, he was asked by police officers who hang back to take a picture to accompany the article. Interviews scoundrels are full of memorable moments such as these that reflect the human side, and a little dark, of these famous figures.
In this work, only two details that I regretted: the lack of pictures accompanying the interview and the cover, that does not do any justice to the content. I hope to improve both aspects to improve it. Of the remainder, I recommend it fully. Joanna Ruiz Méndez

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Train Thermostat Wiring Baystat 239

Purposes for 2011

- Update my blog more often
- Sleep Through the Night
- Awakening (strong) with
day - keep smiling
- That reading is still my best
alone - Embracing hard
a noble cause - Read my dreams
- Exercising my
memory -
Going to the movies - and the theater
- Do not fight (much) with
Caracas - Venezuela Visiting
- Trust that all will like I
- and still fight for everything to give as I
- Learning a new language
- Know Buenos Aires
- Reconciling with distance
- Find the echoes of silence in the midst of endless noise
- Avoid a long pause between the last kiss
- And the next
- Painting a picture
- Living in a poem
- Take lessons
piano - Pasearme more often in the corners of my imagination
- Cultivating the difficult art of patience
- And so it is at times very few
- Feeling extremely happy

Joanna Ruiz Méndez

Wax Strip For Private Area


Happy New Year to all, I hope this new year bring us inspiration in abundance as that Pilar had to create this original sampler , he decided to make it smaller and square, with which was 3 blocks least worked with a colorful quite different and the result achieved is very nice, the boat quilted with acrylic and technical of knots.