Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yellow Power Ranger Died]

A of things that I thank my current job is that I went to a theme that has always interested me: the environment. Meanwhile oil spills, radioactive waste, species extinction and global warming , I think up to date on environmental issues is not only a duty to biologists and ecologists, but also of all citizens in general.
As a journalist, I believe that the role of the media, and professionals working in them is of particular interest in the discursive construction of social and environmental problem. And although I think that is increasingly more open spaces for the environment as a source, I still need to give you the significance that this issue deserves.
I think many journalists need to understand that the environment is not a topic "apart", but involves social, economic and political issues that concern all members of this global society. The environment as a theme, not just about the obvious issues such as pollution, global warming or growing global loss of biodiversity. Also required-and requires-a sharp analysis and deep research on the role that companies, states, communities and citizens have played and will play in the environmental problem. This knowledge is a valuable contribution to the community and could be an important factor of change, whether locally, in the manner in which citizens take their environment.
also believe that the media and social construction that has become the environmentalists must begin to change. In an excellent book I'm reading of Antonio Pasquali - Of the future, facts, ideas, strategies - the author states: "We left them alone environmentalists, allowing the media system becomes eccentric and exaggerated. " It's true. Although we do not want to sound alarmist or hearing truths then we can steal minutes of sleep, can not be judged as exaggerated hippies or people who do something for the local ecology, national or global or speak out against powerful groups to save a few hectares in the Amazon jungle. The media should give more publicity to the work of NGOs, foundations, associations and groups working for nature and in general to the issues, characteristics and achievements related to environmental issues. Certainly generates more curiosity the dress of the artists on the red carpet promoting an environmental protection of nature, but it is time to clarify priorities on journalistic issues and think about the contribution that each generates information-or not to build a better society.
think that our social work as journalists should prompt us to reassess the environment as a subject of media interest. I understand that sometimes the editorial policies are inclined to certain issues because they claim hearing, sold newspapers, advertising guidelines. In short, money. However, today we have digital social networks offer us an opportunity to communicate about what we consider fundamental and necessary, no excuses for not fulfilling our duty to educate. The idea is to use all available means to practice green journalism and finish fully exploit the environment as a journalistic source. Joanna Ruiz Méndez

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