I think I met when Achilles Nazoa I was 8. Of course, not in person, but through one of his poems from animals: The smug little mouse. The poem is about a little mouse presumed - of course- refusing to consider a mouse in love beneath her. After this, you will propose marriage to the sun, the cloud, wind and mountain because they think they are pretenders to their height. The humility that each show, makes him see the little mouse Hortensia that all beings are significant. Ends up accepting his mousy lover, while stating that "in the world are important too small."
remember that this poem was the first that I learned complete. After Achilles' other writings known Nazoa: drowned wasp fable , a farce or uploaded astrakhan where colors are shown readers the cake man gave and Love, when I die ..., among others. With each reading I was with a very Venezuelan author reflected-and reflected the idiosyncrasies and problems of our country, but was also able to correctly approach universal themes as love and politics from a simple language and an intelligent sense of humor.
Nazoa Achilles was a journalist, writer, humorist and poet, and his legacy is an indisputable leader in our literature and a must read to understand Venezuela. In honor of his writings are still as valid as the first day, Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana published Simply book Achilles, which collects various and multiple texts by the author. The book divides the writings on humor, lyrical prose, drama and dialogue and animals, and includes a final section will call 1976, which is an unpublished.
highly recommend this work as the back cover says "is a legacy for future generations, but also for general readers. To not make this a lengthy post, tomorrow I will leave two readings can be found in the book. I'm sure you will enjoy them.
Joanna Mendez Ruiz
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