Sunday, October 17, 2010

Plate Boundary Yosemite

Theatre Creed and passion

" was , perversely, a fan-that is, a man possessed by the Gods ... Every profession has its own, but the theater guys are more demanding because they are most generous. Give everything and give nothing. On stage there is no middle ". Excerpted from the story The theater lover of Carlos Fuentes.

My story in the theater began in the ballet. As some of you reading this blog know, I was a dancer for two years as a child. While it was thin and stylish, he had the tenacity, perseverance and above all the flexibility you need a dancer. However, thanks to my last performance at the ballet was the witch in Sleeping Beauty, "I discovered acting talent that had hitherto hidden.
I think any other girl would have been disappointed with the very undesirable role of witch. However, I took care to take full advantage as I could. Grinning exaggerated, putting terrible and bad side of a perverse move my hands, proudly displaying artificial fingernails, long and black. I hardly danced at most took two or three laps. Everything was acting in that role.
was a teacher that told me and advised me to get involved in theater when he knew that deserting the ballet. I started in the school's theater group and I stayed. My first work was Improvisation soul of Eugene Ionesco, a work obviously absurd that I had the role of playwright clueless. The tests were hard, my relationship with the group was bad and my spirit waned with each passing day. However, no self left the theater as I did with the ballet and I got one explanation for that: I liked the theater too.
With this work I made my first presentation to a large audience. Was a success. Then come thieves are honest people Jardiel Enrique Ponce, which had the role of a mother exaggerated and annoying, and then participated in a very pale version Fame, which was the drama teacher, rigid and demanding that undertaken with the student who feigns to graciosito in class. In my last year in college I had the luxury of representing a character written by me. A colleague and I wrote a script in which I shape all my youth drama and my friend all the humor that characterized the work was a hybrid of ideas and concepts that I think was not so bad.
When I entered college, I abandoned any connection with the theater. Only until about six months ago I took up this activity due to a course of action and I realized that I did lack. Not only was I happy to be exploring all the possibilities that the theater offers, but I loved experiencing the main element of which he draws: passion. In the theater there that give everything and give nothing. Be generous, wasting talent, vitality and enthusiasm. Agree with the action, never with inertia. Leave everything on the table to minimize this wonderful food called ego applause. Feel, the verb that best combines with it and all artistic expressions.
Although again I'll take a break from my theatrical activities, I will not forget this lesson of passion because it also serves to everyday life. For life, if lived with passion, it becomes routine. It is pure magic, as the theater.

Joanna Ruiz Méndez

Monday, October 11, 2010

Softball Quotes For A Poster

These are the two letters they Nazoa Achilles I promised yesterday. Enjoy!

Creed I believe in Pablo Picasso , almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Charlie Chaplin, son of violets and mice, was crucified, died and was buried by time, but every day resurrected in the hearts of men.

I believe in love and art as means to the enjoyment of life everlasting.

I believe in the crickets that inhabit the night of magic crystals.

grinder I believe in living to make your wheel star wonderful.

I believe the air quality of man, set in the memory of Isadora Duncan, swooping like a wounded dove under the pure sky of the Mediterranean.

I believe in chocolate coins treasure secretly under the pillow of my childhood.

I believe in the fable of Orpheus.

I believe in the spell of the music, I do that in the hour of my distress I saw, under the spell of the Pavane by Faure, released out to the sweet and radiant Eurydice in hell of my soul.

believe in Rainer Maria Rilke, hero of the struggle of man for beauty, who sacrificed his life to the act of cutting a rose for a woman.

I believe in the flowers that sprang from the dead teenager Ophelia.

I believe in the silent cry of Achilles against the sea.

I believe in a slender boat that left distantísimo a century ago to meet the dawn, his captain Lord Byron, by his side the sword of the archangel, and with his brow a blaze of stars.

I believe in the dog of Ulysses, the smiling cat in Alice in Wonderland, in Robinson Crusoe's parrot, in mice that pulled Cinderella's car in the Beralfiro Rolando horse, and the bees to build their hive in the heart of Martin Tinajero.

I believe in friendship as the most beautiful invention of man.

I believe in the creative powers of people.

I believe in poetry and, finally, I believe in myself, since I know that someone loves me.

Verbos irregulares

Estos son unos verbos que, a paso de tortuga,
Yo conjugo
Tú conjugas
Él conjuga…

Como sin garantía todo el mundo se inhibe,
yo no escribo,
tú no escribes,
él no escribe.

Sino mil tonterías que, de modo evidente,
yo no siento,
tú no sientes,
él no siente.

Pues de escribir las cosas que uno tiene en el seso,
yo voy preso,
tú vas preso,
él va preso.

O, rumbo al frío Norte, París o Gran Bretaña,
yo me extraño,
tú te extrañas,
él se extraña.

And so, fearing that we catch the fault,
I'll shut up, shut up you
he is silent.

Moral: By the law of cookies, which is an eternal law, I
government, your government

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Can I Take A Day Off For Tonsillitis

Irregular verbs simply

I think I met when Achilles Nazoa I was 8. Of course, not in person, but through one of his poems from animals: The smug little mouse. The poem is about a little mouse presumed - of course- refusing to consider a mouse in love beneath her. After this, you will propose marriage to the sun, the cloud, wind and mountain because they think they are pretenders to their height. The humility that each show, makes him see the little mouse Hortensia that all beings are significant. Ends up accepting his mousy lover, while stating that "in the world are important too small."

remember that this poem was the first that I learned complete. After Achilles' other writings known Nazoa: drowned wasp fable , a farce or uploaded astrakhan where colors are shown readers the cake man gave and Love, when I die ..., among others. With each reading I was with a very Venezuelan author reflected-and reflected the idiosyncrasies and problems of our country, but was also able to correctly approach universal themes as love and politics from a simple language and an intelligent sense of humor.

Nazoa Achilles was a journalist, writer, humorist and poet, and his legacy is an indisputable leader in our literature and a must read to understand Venezuela. In honor of his writings are still as valid as the first day, Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana published Simply book Achilles, which collects various and multiple texts by the author. The book divides the writings on humor, lyrical prose, drama and dialogue and animals, and includes a final section will call 1976, which is an unpublished.

highly recommend this work as the back cover says "is a legacy for future generations, but also for general readers. To not make this a lengthy post, tomorrow I will leave two readings can be found in the book. I'm sure you will enjoy them.

Joanna Mendez Ruiz