Monday, May 31, 2010

Uninstall Pursuit Series Model Pro-oe4bs


Well here's two words you do not say, but what else are used, as this concept is the most used in human history, I do not focus on whether lying is OK or not echo, we are all self-sufficient and able to assess what is right and wrong, if not in that they do these things. What is the cause that leads people to use a white lie, well of course there can be many reasons either for not hurting someone you care about and too naively think I exceeded it take better when I think telling the truth may suffer at that time yes, but I thank you in the future and will never reproach you were not sincere, which does not create a distrust in everything that you tell .. ... Many other factors influence: the cowardice, the reaction of the person you say it, not wanting to do more damage than you think you could do by telling the truth, or the mere echo of not being able to deal with things .. . It is clear that to and meet the person you are going to say something that you may feel bad, but with so many capacities of the human being, to feel, estimate, think, experience, and even remorse ... As always resort to lying, is that it will be easier? Most of the sellers that you are in any store it is, venderores insurance, cars, bank statements, etc. .... All you have to make a profit depends on what you sell something, you'll probably strained a lie either small or large, you will be selling a marvel on the one hand, but colandotela for another, or someone is naive to think they will lose the sale? however small the loss not think so, if we lie just born, just out, we hit two cakes in the ass that you get to mourn as a tattered, disproportionate head full of blood, completely wrinkled face one aspect of the devil and cagandote the doctor to just stick to welcome the world, and you just see the father says, that guapoooooooooo aaaayy! Who are they kidding! and you do not have even one hour of life and all indignant think, fuck if my father is beginning so that is what awaits me in this life ........
In order lies part of our lives it is inevitable, only to and to look at the ads on television and in other ways, for example, sure you've all seen the announcement of Bancaja says of young entrepreneurs who will want to help, go to parties: first you are selling a subliminal ad for my way of looking at the propaganda you get a poor family who has both a son and a daughter who is a bit more than they invented something and solve the hunger in the world, can not see, a microclimate can make it rain everywhere (said quickly), the other creates a generator vioorganismos magnetic fields (which NAAAAAA THERE IS!) for me is a clear way to tell you that if you have something that is the ostiaa! better not even try, and the other point is this crisis that both know all things being as bad as they are who think you can leave money, unless of course you bring some interest to your children what will be paying if not all your family's belongings will be endorsing the other party also might invent something really good where ten clear that if you get it is because they take out in benefits one side or the other ... So if you have to lie to people thinking about the consequences, in the end all you know ....... come a abrazoooooooo ...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cool Funky Modern Dinnerware

New project: D "alluny, 7th inevitable things ..... hehe

Here I have a new project in the chapel of Ulldecona, a somewhat complicated way, is about 28 meters of vertical track to the top and a considerable slump to finish. Consists of a first tranche of 5 sheets in which movements must be carefully studied because if you mess up, it will be very difficult to emerge unscathed from there with a pitch of 3 to 4 sheet extremely difficult for me, because you rely on a left hand ñapita in which you can fit two fingers on my two and a half if you're a woman, just the first phalanx, up left foot into a power strip and then a good right hand on the same diagonal the other hand to try to hold you in another ñapita even worse than the other, that neither you imagine the laughter that gets me thinking about nothing else, raise the foot right grip and without much thought for sure that if you fly, dynamic spears above the left hand in a vertical strip in good guess right that if sales of the pass, and if you fail you're down, everything else goes boom sheet 6 pretty good, but it touches the tranche deal end, consists of sheet 7 and 8, which can be plated "good", although this section is slightly collapsed. To exit the plate 7, touches make a good investment with the left hand, raise your feet to get even with the right hand grip on vertical, decanting the entire weight of the body to the left, to raise the feet above the crash, and throwing left hand to a dam good as ay 1 meter above to bring the two hands there, plated the 8 from there, and pan left with grips for hands very good, rest as much as possible, to pass the crash, the last 2.3 movements consist of blocking it with his left hand where you're resting, to throw the right hand to a rule vertical phalanx and a half, the full weight of the body to the left foot and throwing up his left hand above the crash, that does not end all, as to and shoot with ALL, you can not expect anything good why not ay, tighten the teeth properly support the right foot in the vertical ruler and arribaaaaaaa !!!!!!! VIAA ends here ..... Here you and left a ejeje crokis .......

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To Get Large Items Into Boler

Well, these are the most common things that can happen when you practice this sport, even and quiet, the blood is very shocking and it seems to be soft to leave the liver or something, are what we call collateral damage ejeje ,, come hug ........

Monday, May 17, 2010

Really Short Texts For Signatures

concentration weekend .... CONSEGUIDOO

Very good to all, as can see from the pictures and the title, this weekend was the first concentration of climbers in the area of \u200b\u200b Xert , which was very good, great atmosphere and fanaticism, which put even a single paste was hoisted storm that, of course not enough to take back this great group of climbers that we met there .
First with a good lunch in the village pub, where we met many climbers frequent these areas for the region around us, even all ay ay be said that people always fail, which might not want to name, as you read this I am sure will feel question, once the lunch we went for slaughter, straight to the sector " Fardaxo " an incredible sector where equippers are doing a great job with a few lines via incredible, height, continuity, and with many variables in regards to grade. From here take this opportunity to advise anyone who can visit this area is worth it, and congratulate the equippers and most of all to MAKI, which is the great equipper in the area, and all, to follow and chain bloco ................

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Marzocchi How To Identify


Well, can set in the title, finally fallen the "Amen" a 6c + of chapel of Ulldecona on Sunday I resisted horn three times, to finally Friday, Upon arrival to the sector, and succumbed to my first attempt, of course had all week minded, memorizing the songs and steps, egecutandolos over and over in my mind, to get there and be prepared , and if it worked, at first, no doubt, safely and decision, came out. So that anything other projects, comes a salute .....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Can Entocort Cause A Moon Face

In project" AMEN 6C + "Easter

Very good, good as can see, this is my personal project in the chapel of Ulldecona , it is the "Amen" 6C + a via that is certainly impressive with a roof at the end of costing her out, even the most difficult step for me is just below it, when you must stay in a blunt you catch hand left, and a small invested with the right hand, place great feet to his left hand to launch a crack on which it depends, to a bicycle very exaggerated to throw the right hand far to the right almost fully stretched diagonally across the via for and pass the roof ..... In order for me since then give again thank equipper for taking this line so incredible apuntarmela think the book will soon come a greeting to all ......... ....