Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Campbells Cheesy Chicken


What do we mean by happiness? What we
concept of happiness?
Definition: Happiness is a mood which is a satisfaction. Who is happy they feel comfortable, happy and pleased.
Well this is a very generic definition that could broadly be all more or less agree. But that somehow the fees that marks this society in which we live suggests that for it, the more money we have, we will be happier than with a partner with whom we share our lives, feelings, kids, joys and sorrows we will be happier if, when you talk to people married more than 89% of them will always tell you, "NOTE CASES" AND fucked you married ", not to say that all is not gold that glitters, for both rich and poor, or anyone believe that the rich do not suffer, because I'm sure that issues of attachment and so things will not, but the saying "greed broke the sack" is totally true, or no longer remember the bankruptcy of the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929, when many investors have committed suicide, as did that for they have lost everything, irony of life, many people have always been not to have anything and there are. It is clear that money gives you a lot easier to get the desired happiness, but happiness teda money?
Although I personally do not think that it's the one that most have more happy is, or vice versa, I think that happiness depends on the balance between self and its desires, my experience abroad in a country where have nothing, where people drink contaminated water, where the only control you have is for the survival of themselves and their loved ones. For these people their only desire is to see the sun rise the next day to keep fighting for one more day, one after another. Why humans are so conformist? We are not satisfied with anything, we are constantly bitching about everything, all that would be a display of selfishness? It is clear that we are not having a good economic times, many people are having a hard time, jobless, penniless, in debt, but every day sees more people feeling sorry for themselves, perhaps after getting up in the morning and navigated the streets in search of employment. If it is clear that difficult to find, but more complicated is that the work we find ourselves, with this I do not give a rally on morality or anything, no one asked to be brought into this world, no one told us it would be easy, but if you ay something worth fighting for in life is to be happy each in its own way as possible.
My happiness is that I appreciate what I have and do not wish to over what I have.
This sentence of Leo Tolstoy, has much meaning for me in which I identify and which I hope will serve as a reference at all to make you think ...... here I leave a paper where I am sure that you have all come till the end you will have the same or different opinion to mine, although I hope have not offended anyone, but if you think you aya echo .... a abrazoo ....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where Can I Order Champiro Tires

.... WHY DO WE DO?

Many people ask me, why do it?, What is the point, climb back down?
Well Yutu investigating the and found this video They show very well, all we can come to feel about this world we love so much and every day us hooked else, I hope you see what and you can understand a little but everything on this passion that we both gustaaa ......

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where To Buy Large Quantity Of Chicken Wings

6c + A Recital

Very good, this weekend has been a bit critical because of the time, but successful for some who have been chained something we've tested, I for personal reasons on Saturday in the chapel chaining my first 6c +, for understanding the environment 6c + Layter, even in the reseal makes it clear that it is a 6c +, so I aim it as such otherwise, chain 6c already had another echo which has a very critical step two that you have to throw Yapita faith, if it does not come out. We meet a lot of people as about 10 people there, very good company indeed that of all is always a pleasure to enjoy the environment, the company and fanaticism.
Sunday and was not any good, we have come to the industry of the 10-odd in the morning, and to dig the 2 satellite, has already begun to fall early drops so I had to finish the roads were open and of course, the best of the day, all for the bar, a good sandwich and many stories, so yes, all climbing, singing, blunt and some exclusive dedication to the great Italy ,, jejejejeje ....... Come
greetings to all people .....